Some preliminary questions I started with ai.

I chose to ask my computer a few questions when typing on it.

are any of you all familiar with as400? me neither or maybe,

I had a decent experience, does take some effort to build some thought in the right direction to ask a question. maybe I can work towards colloboration to calcualate some oportunites with the right mindsets.

my challenges and questions starting with. .

can you draw me a mustang in blue

I’m sorry, but as a text-based AI model, I don’t have the capability to create visual images or drawings. However, I can help you with descriptions, information, or answer questions about Mustangs or anything else you might be interested in. If you’re looking for a blue Mustang image, I recommend using an online image search engine to find what you’re looking for.


what year has the most prodcution model mustangs

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the Ford Mustang has been in production since 1964. Therefore, the model year with the most production would be one of the recent years leading up to 2022.

However, it’s important to note that production figures can vary by model year and can be influenced by factors such as economic conditions, consumer demand, and other market factors. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking with official sources such as Ford or automotive industry reports.


how would you organize purchasing paths of items on a list to purchase, based of needs or frequency of use, or purpose towards a project

Organizing a list of items for purchase based on needs, frequency of use, or their purpose in a project can help streamline the purchasing process and ensure that you prioritize essential items. Here’s a guide on how you might organize such a list:

1. Categorize by Project Phases or Areas:

  • Phase 1: Planning
    • Item 1: Project Planner
    • Item 2: Notebooks, pens
    • Item 3: Research materials
  • Phase 2: Execution
    • Item 4: Tools specific to project tasks
    • Item 5: Raw materials
    • Item 6: Safety equipment
  • Phase 3: Review and Finalization
    • Item 7: Quality control tools
    • Item 8: Presentation materials

2. Prioritize by Urgency or Frequency of Use:

  • High Priority (Frequently Used or Urgent):
    • Item 9: Consumables or frequently used supplies
    • Item 10: Tools required at the beginning of the project
  • Medium Priority (Regularly Used):
    • Item 11: Materials needed periodically throughout the project
  • Low Priority (Infrequently Used):
    • Item 12: Specialized tools or materials for specific project stages

3. Categorize by Purpose or Function:

  • General Supplies:
    • Item 13: General-purpose tools
    • Item 14: Office supplies
  • Specialized Tools:
    • Item 15: Tools specific to a certain phase of the project
  • Safety and Protective Gear:
    • Item 16: Personal protective equipment

4. Consider Budget Constraints:

  • Essential Items (Non-negotiable):
    • Item 17: Absolutely necessary for project completion
  • Secondary Items (Nice to have):
    • Item 18: Enhancements or additional tools that can improve efficiency

5. Group Similar Items Together:

  • Tools and Equipment:
    • Item 19: Hand tools
    • Item 20: Power tools
  • Materials:
    • Item 21: Raw materials
    • Item 22: Consumables

6. Create a Checklist:

  • Check off items as purchased or ordered.

7. Review and Adjust:

  • Regularly update the list based on project progress or changes in requirements.

Organizing your purchasing paths in this way helps ensure that you address the most critical needs first and minimizes the risk of forgetting essential items for your project. Adjust the organization based on the specific needs and nature of your project.

pretty cool so far eh? Its like we worked together who asked these questions, ai or kimbro, jw>? lol JW..

can you provide me a list of the original disney animation shorts created by walt disney and his studio

Certainly! Walt Disney and his studio created numerous animated shorts over the years, contributing to the animation industry’s development. While Disney did produce many for his own studio, starting with the Alice Comedies and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit before creating Mickey Mouse. Here’s a list of some of the notable Disney animated shorts created by Walt Disney and his studio:

Alice Comedies:

  1. Alice’s Wonderland (1923)
  2. Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925)
  3. Alice Gets in Dutch (1924)
  4. Alice’s Day at Sea (1924)

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit:

  1. Trolley Troubles (1927)
  2. Oh Teacher (1927)
  3. The Mechanical Cow (1927)
  4. The Ocean Hop (1927)

Mickey Mouse:

  1. Steamboat Willie (1928)
  2. The Gallopin’ Gaucho (1928)
  3. The Barn Dance (1929)
  4. The Opry House (1929)
  5. The Haunted House (1929)
  6. The Karnival Kid (1929)
  7. The Plow Boy (1929)
  8. Mickey’s Follies (1929)

Silly Symphonies:

  1. The Skeleton Dance (1929)
  2. Flowers and Trees (1932)
  3. Three Little Pigs (1933)
  4. The Tortoise and the Hare (1935)
  5. The Old Mill (1937)
  6. The Ugly Duckling (1939)

Donald Duck:

  1. The Wise Little Hen (1934)
  2. Orphan’s Benefit (1934)
  3. The Dognapper (1934)
  4. Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983) (featuring Donald as Scrooge’s nephew Fred)


  1. Goofy and Wilbur (1939)
  2. Goofy and the Gophers (1954)
  3. Aquamania (1961)


  1. The Chain Gang (1930)
  2. The Pointer (1939)
  3. Pluto’s Christmas Tree (1952)

These are just a few examples, and there are many more Disney shorts featuring various characters. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, and Disney produced a vast number of animated shorts over the years. Additionally, availability on streaming platforms may vary, so you may want to check Disney+ or other platforms for specific titles.

what is the best time to start resting if you are a night owl and need to wake up at 6 am to be ready to work for 8 am as well as wanting to continue working on projects

If you’re a night owl and need to wake up at 6 AM for work, it’s important to prioritize both sufficient rest and productivity on your projects. Here’s a suggested schedule that allows you to balance work, project time, and getting a good night’s sleep:

  1. Project Time/Work (Evening):
    • Begin your project work or other tasks in the evening, starting around 8 or 9 PM. Night owls often find this time most productive.
  2. Wind Down (Late Evening):
    • Start winding down your project work or other activities by around 11 PM to give yourself time to transition to a more relaxed state.
  3. Pre-Sleep Routine (11 PM – 12 AM):
    • Engage in a pre-sleep routine to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. This can include activities such as reading, listening to calming music, or practicing relaxation techniques.
  4. Sleep (12 AM – 6 AM):
    • Aim for 6 hours of sleep from midnight to 6 AM. While this may be less than the recommended 7-9 hours, it’s a compromise that allows you to accommodate your night owl tendencies while still getting up at 6 AM.
  5. Morning Routine (6 AM – 7 AM):
    • Allocate an hour for your morning routine, including getting ready for work, having breakfast, and any other activities to prepare for the day.
  6. Commute (7 AM – 8 AM):
    • Consider the time it takes to commute to work, if applicable.
  7. Work (8 AM Onwards):
    • Start your workday at 8 AM.

Remember, the key is to find a routine that works for you. If you consistently find yourself feeling fatigued or if you have the flexibility, you may want to consider adjusting your work hours or discussing flexible work arrangements with your employer. Additionally, listen to your body, and if you notice signs of sleep deprivation, consider making adjustments to your schedule or seeking advice from a healthcare professional.

what are some free keyboard classes for writing and speed review

There are several free online resources that offer keyboarding classes for writing and speed review. These classes are designed to help you improve your typing skills and increase your typing speed. Here are some popular options:

  1. TypingClub:
    • TypingClub is a free online platform that offers interactive typing lessons and games. It covers everything from beginner lessons to advanced typing exercises.
    • Website: TypingClub
  2. Keybr:
    • Keybr is a simple yet effective online typing tutor. It adapts to your typing skills and focuses on improving both speed and accuracy.
    • Website: Keybr
    • provides free typing lessons, games, and activities for learners of all levels. It covers touch typing, speed building, and more.
    • Website:
  4. NitroType:
    • NitroType is a fun and engaging platform that helps improve typing speed through competitive typing races. It’s particularly popular among students.
    • Website: NitroType
  5. 10FastFingers:
    • 10FastFingers is a typing competition website that offers various typing tests and games to improve your speed and accuracy.
    • Website: 10FastFingers
  6. Ratatype:
    • Ratatype provides free online typing lessons, exercises, and typing tests. It also offers a typing speed test to track your progress.
    • Website: Ratatype
  7. Sense-Lang:
    • Sense-Lang offers free typing lessons and exercises with a variety of texts and difficulty levels. It also provides games for practice.
    • Website: Sense-Lang
  8. TypingClub for Schools (for Teachers and Students):
    • TypingClub for Schools is an extension of TypingClub designed for educators and students. It provides tools for teachers to monitor progress.
    • Website: TypingClub for Schools

Before starting any typing program, it’s essential to set realistic goals and be consistent in your practice to see improvement over time. Choose a platform that suits your learning style and preferences.

I like trying to calculate a more complex question, it came back fairly compelling—

how to priortize vehicle, computer, collecting, media, food and recreational budgets, what are the best ways to continue to develop each interest including opportunity for new interests to be added, how organize effiency and ways to make revenue from these streams while maintaining an equal balance

Balancing and prioritizing budgets across various interests can be a challenging but rewarding task. Here’s a guide on how to prioritize and develop interests in vehicles, computers, collecting, media, food, and recreation, while also exploring opportunities for revenue:

1. Prioritize and Budget:

  • Identify Priorities: Determine which interests are most important to you. Consider your personal and financial goals.
  • Allocate Budgets: Allocate a portion of your income to each interest. This will depend on your priorities and preferences.

2. Developing Interests:

  • Vehicles:
    • Attend car shows or join car clubs.
    • Learn basic car maintenance.
    • Explore automotive forums and publications.
  • Computers:
    • Take online courses in programming or IT.
    • Join tech communities and forums.
    • Stay updated on the latest technology trends.
  • Collecting:
    • Research and specialize in a particular collection.
    • Attend auctions, flea markets, and estate sales.
    • Network with other collectors.
  • Media:
    • Explore different genres and forms of media.
    • Consider creating your own content (blogging, vlogging, podcasting).
    • Engage with online communities related to your interests.
  • Food:
    • Experiment with cooking at home.
    • Attend cooking classes or workshops.
    • Explore different cuisines.
  • Recreation:
    • Join clubs or groups related to your recreational interests.
    • Plan regular outings or trips.
    • Invest in equipment or gear that enhances your recreational experiences.

3. Efficiency and Organization:

  • Create a Schedule: Develop a weekly or monthly schedule that allocates time for each interest.
  • Use Apps and Tools: Utilize budgeting apps and project management tools to stay organized.
  • Batch Activities: Combine similar activities to maximize efficiency.

4. Generating Revenue:

  • Monetize Hobbies: Explore ways to make money from your hobbies. For example, selling collectibles, offering computer services, or monetizing content creation.
  • Freelancing: Leverage your skills in computers, media, or food to offer freelance services.
  • Part-Time Ventures: Consider part-time work or side gigs related to your interests.
  • Investment Opportunities: Explore investment opportunities related to your interests, such as investing in collectibles or the stock market.

5. Maintaining Balance:

  • Regular Review: Periodically review your budget and adjust allocations based on changing priorities.
  • Self-Care: Ensure that your interests contribute positively to your well-being. If an interest becomes too overwhelming or costly, reassess its importance.

6. Explore New Interests:

  • Try New Things: Allocate a small budget for exploring new interests.
  • Networking: Connect with people who have different interests, expanding your horizons.
  • Balance with Existing Interests: Integrate new interests into your routine without sacrificing the balance you’ve established.

Finding the right balance and generating revenue from your interests requires ongoing evaluation and adaptability. Regularly assess your goals, priorities, and financial situation to ensure a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.


there is a website I enjoy can you find me other websites similar to this in ways that is dense in information as well as the structure, I am looking for archival websites that hold interesting and thougth provoking information, the site is

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Crystalinks is a website that covers a wide range of topics, including metaphysics, ancient civilizations, and alternative theories. If you’re looking for similar websites that provide dense information and thought-provoking content, you might explore the following options:

  1. Ancient Origins:
    • Website: Ancient Origins
    • Focuses on ancient civilizations, archaeology, and human origins.
  2. Graham Hancock’s Website:
    • Website: Graham Hancock
    • Features articles and research by Graham Hancock, covering alternative history, ancient civilizations, and consciousness.
  3. Atlantis Rising:
    • Website: Atlantis Rising
    • Covers topics related to ancient mysteries, alternative history, and consciousness.
  4. The Megalithic Portal:
    • Website: The Megalithic Portal
    • Focuses on megalithic sites, ancient monuments, and archaeological discoveries.
  5. Gaia:
    • Website: Gaia
    • Offers a wide range of content, including documentaries and articles, on topics such as ancient mysteries, consciousness, and metaphysics.
  6. The Thunderbolts Project:
    • Website: The Thunderbolts Project
    • Explores the Electric Universe theory, alternative cosmology, and ancient mythology.
  7. New Dawn Magazine:
    • Website: New Dawn Magazine
    • Focuses on alternative history, spirituality, and consciousness.
  8. Explore Ancient Egypt:
    • Website: Explore Ancient Egypt
    • Provides detailed information about ancient Egyptian history, culture, and mythology.
  9. The Orion Zone:
    • Website: The Orion Zone
    • Explores the connection between ancient sites and the constellation Orion.
  10. Sacred Texts:
    • Website: Sacred Texts
    • Offers a vast collection of sacred and philosophical texts from various cultures.

Before exploring these websites, please note that the availability and content of websites may change over time. It’s a good idea to check them out and see which ones align most closely with your interests in dense and thought-provoking information.


In summary my experience with some ai prompts was interesting, will come back to when I have a little more freedom in time and space to play on the internet. For now Adios Amigos!



